The Top Views of the Week is back!
Take a look at some of the best photos we've been tagged and shared in on social media. Remember, if you want to be featured, tag us on Instagram or Facebook to get your photos shared on our blog!
This is an absolutely gorgeous shot. If you're afraid of heights, @foreby3 has you covered with this incredible overhead shot.
Gotta love Vancouver during the Summer time. The colour, the heat, the fun; it's all here!
This gives us some San Francisco, California vibes. Except, it's in Vancouver, and it's nicer... right?!
Vancouver is home to some of the most natural beauty and views in the world. Where else do you get something like this?!
Our friends at Frying Pan started getting their chicken from from a halal certified supplier! If you haven't had the chance to try them out, do it now. Some of the best sandwiches and sides in the city!